3BH Series filters are compact and economical yet provide the high voltage and current capability required in so many of today's applications. Providing good high frequency response and designed for any application powered by 480VAC, 3 Phase AC power, the 3BH Series addresses a broad spectrum of commercial and industrial applications including variable frequency motor drives, laser power supplies, and uninterruptible power supplies.
1 Suffix "L" calls out low profile case, see Filter
Order Information for complete part
2 Each line to ground @ 480VAC/6OHz
3 "B" option can add up to 6db in application
EMI Filter division, 22895 East Park Drive, Yorba Linda, CA 92887, USA
Tel: (714)221-4056, Fax: (714)289-2149, Toll Free: +1-800-527-4362
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